servant n. 1.仆人;佣人;雇工。 2.[美]奴仆;奴隶。 3.随员;献身…的人;追随者;信徒。 4.官吏;公务员;服务员;雇员。 5.有用之物。 an indoor servant 内勤; 佣人[厨役等]。 an outdoor servant 外勤佣人[园丁等]。 an upper servant 管家。 All government officials are servants of the people. 一切政府官员都是民众的公仆。 Fire and water may be good servants, but bad masters. 水火是忠仆,但一旦逞凶则危害极大。 a servant of art 献身艺术的人。 a civil servant 文官。 the servants of a railway company 铁路公司职员。 His [Her] Majesty's servants=the king's [queen's] servants 〔英国〕官吏;公务员;演员。 the servant of the servants 上帝最卑下的仆人〔罗马教皇的自称〕。 Your obedient servant 某某谨启〔信函结尾语〕。
Chapter four : the position of women as seen in the documents of sale and purchase of slaves and the documents of uxorilocal marriage of hereditary bond servants 第四章则是利用卖身契以及庄仆婚姻文书探讨了婢女买卖及庄仆入赘、仆妇招赘行为。
As hereditary bond servants , these slaves and tenants were bound to particular master for generations , while their status was regarded as inferior to their masters 婢女、仆妇作为贱民阶层,她们的婚姻与家庭生活既有与普通“齐民”相同的一面,也有自己的特点。
If a man married a deceased servant ' s wife , he had to change his name , and become a hereditary bond servant of his wife ' s master . chapter five 本文最后附录了《契约文书中已婚女性称谓的变化》一文,这篇文章有助于我们更好了解中国历史上已婚女性称谓的变化过程。